Friday, April 3, 2015

The Holy Quran vs Science

The purpose of this blog post is to present the many miracles and scientific facts that the Holy Qur'an consists of. However, before enlightening you with the miracles of the Qur'an, it is essential to understand and acknowledge that there is something of higher being that created everything that exists in our Universe. Hopefully, after you the witness the incredible miracles that are illustrated in this blog, you will come to the realization that there is indeed a higher being and us Muslims refer to him as Allah(God in Arabic). 

In order to acknowledge and accept a higher being one must comprehend how astoundingly 
 small us humans are in comparison to the Universe. Here is a gif which should help illustrate that.

This amazing picture compares parts of the human body to the universe.

Hopefully, at this point you have witnessed the gargantuan Universe that Earth is a miniscule part of and further that someone or something has created all of it. Those who accept that often ponder the purpose of our existence. In addition, that the creator of everything must have provided us with guidelines for how to live. Fortunately for us, we have a book which does exactly that. This book is known as the Qur'an. 
 Now the creator of this world is almighty and knows everything. He knows there will be doubters and disbelievers. In the past, Allah sent down messengers with special powers such as prophet Moses(PBUH) and Prophet Jesus(PBUH). Allah provided them with these powers to help them persuade people to believe their words and teachings. However, the last messenger of Allah, Muhammad(PBUH) had no special powers but was given the Qur'an. In this book there are many hidden messages and scientific findings which would be impossible for Prophet Mohammad(who was illiterate) to have written himself over 1400 years ago!  It is very important to remember through out this blog that the Qur'an is over 1400 years old and has been unchanged. This age makes it impossible for anyone in that Time Era to possess knowledge on any of the scientific findings presented in the Qur'an. Below are just a few of many scientific findings the Qur'an consists of.

The Qur'an once again has shared scientific facts which modern science has recently discovered. The moon was always thought to give off its own light, until recently when scientists realized it was light reflected from the Sun.


 These is a video which further shows us how the human embryo is formed.



The following images will now show some mathematical miracles presented in the Qur'an.

Continued Miracles

This next video will have you in awe!You will discover that Allah has placed the Kaabah where Muslims all around the world pray towards, is the golden point of earth. 


In Islam it is one of the pillars to pray five times a day. This picture describes the many benefits that science has discovered which come from praying in the way we do.

Further here are some benefits of simply listening to the Holy Quran.


In conclusion, this blog post highlighted a few of the many miracles that the Holy Qur'an presents. The purpose of this post was to get the viewer to understand that there is a Higher being and he is God (Allah). Further, that the religion of Islam and the book Holy Qur'an are God's words passed down by angels to Gods last prophet, Mohammad (PBUH). In this book he provided us with many scientific findings which were impossible for anyone to know at the time of its arrival. This is God's way to help us believe in him and hopefully this blog post helped in doing so.